Car Fire Blanket
Car fire blanket – safe, quick and reliable solution in a state of emergency
The best, efficient and safe solution for controlling the outbreak of fire in all engine types vehicles
Car Fire Blanket
Padtex multiple / reusable or single time use car fire blankets are designed to stop any car fire, but with a special emphasis for suppressing electric car fires. Our know-how, technical konwledge and manufacturing capabilities allow us to make any size of the car fire blanket needed.
Fire blanket features:
- It controls any type of car fire within a few seconds
- A secure solution that handles fire in electric, hybrid as well as combustion engines automobiles
suitable for all vehicles, including suVs - Delivered in a smart bag or cabinet for mounting on the wall
- Single use or for supreme grade is reusable many times
Fire blanket benefits:
- Nothing goes through the blanket – no fire, reduces toxic waste gases to minimum
- Simple, fast, efficient and safe solution for controlling the outbreak of fire in vehicles
- The aim of the car fire blanket is to significantly reduce the smoke damage to buildings and other vehicles, to prevent the spread of the fire (e.g. encroachment on surrounding vehicles) and to suffocate the fire as quickly as possible.
Would you like to learn more? We'd be happy to give you an introduction to our technology!
Fire blankets are sustainable for:
Underground parking
Motorway companies
Service stations
Car parks
Ferry parking facilities
Firefighter operation
Plug in chargeable forklifts
Machine tools
Garages and workshops
How does the car fire blanket work?
Call firefighters!
Two people open the blanket and pull over the car.
PULL the blanket OVER THE CAR
STEP AWAY from the car and wait for around 20 min
FIREFIGHTERS remove the blanket
usable in various situations
Follow step 1-3. After the re blanket has been placed tight to the ground, wait 2-3 minutes and listen. If you can hear strong fuzz sounds about every 3-15 seconds, you have a thermal runaway. leave the re blanket on until the sound stops. This is a small re that goes from cell to cell. The re blanket will prevent the small re from spreading elsewhere in the car.